Friday, July 15, 2011

Public administration answers 5

Please rate the answer for 20 marks
Q. We are moving away from government , and we are moving towards the governance . Such organisations can be coordinated through various multi organizational arrangements 20 marks
Public administration as a field of study has so far traversed 4 paradigms . in 21st century, public administration is traversing through paradigm of public administration  as well as apradigm of governance.
            Following the attack on world trade center in 2001, the states relaised that state minimalism under NPM was no moe a viable option. This gave an impetus towards governance. Governance involves cooperative arrangements and contractual agreements that control citizens and public service delivery. On other hand, government involves control over citizens and public service delivery by state institutions
            Governance calls for networking of state with market and civil society. Since 1990s , there has been a gradual shift from government to governance. Governance empowers people and allows for participative decision making and meets needs of people . It transforms inward looking government organisations into outward looking , dynamic and networked government organisations
            In this era of governance, various tasks are performed in coordination and collaboration with multiple organisations. For example , in case of NREGA, state disburses funds to panchayats who spend it on rural works and civil society audits the expenses. Hence governance has made it possible for state, local government and civil society to coordinate and serve the people .


  1. In my opinon, ur introduction is superb... but..
    i think you have not answered second part of the question..

    "Such organisations can be coordinated through various multi organizational arrangements"

    what are those multi oragnizational arrangements that coordinate the state,Civil society and market?

  2. I guess you are talking more about "decentralisation" here...

  3. Introduction Vague. Since How Far? Which are the Paradigms?
    Body - Answers the question well
    Conclusion - Missing!
    Where is the conclusion, you give example just before concluding which is wrong.
    Final Analysis - No Prioritization of Ideas(you say 2001 first and then talk about 1991)
    Structure of an argument is missing. You must answer the question from word no 1 in 20 markers. Looks like a hard scripted answer. You need to be spontaneous and write within time
